Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Smoking....It's not OK.Make the Right Choices Movie

Over the last few weeks we had to do a project for the Year 6 about Smoking.

Here is a short little snip it about Smoking and 3 ways you can avoid smoking and how it can affect your life.

By Tamara, Rachel, Bobbi Grace and Kezia.


  1. Hey nice job girls your message is strong and clear.
    I like the way that you have given information to help your audience to understand why smoking is a bad choice.
    Can't wait for the next movie with a message.
    Mrs Nua

  2. Great job girls. I loved the way you are using media to get important messages across. Well done. Mrs Burt

  3. Hey Rachael,

    I really enjoyed wathching your movie about Smokeing is not ok!! and you a right smokeing is not ok. The message was strong and clear. I have sure did learn alot that there a 4000 chimicals in one smoke and 200 chimicals can cause cancer. i also like to say thanks for the comment on my quiz you got three right and unfortunately the rest wrong.

    I can't wait to some read more of your lovely post!!
