Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Letter Home

Dear Dad
Hope you are. I am writing this letter to give an up to date about things at school. The things that I do and enjoy at school is working on my net book. Because we can play games and do our work on Google Docs.

This year I’m planing to play sports like netball and other sports that year 8 girls can participate in.
My goal this year inside class is to stop talking when I am not suppose to and not to distract people and myself from our learning.

Thank you for letting me go Camp it was a fun experience and I got to know my class mate really well.

By Racheal

Friday, March 25, 2011

Camp is coming up, it was a shock to me knowing that I was a camp leader. My group is called the Thinkerz. After wards we had to get a group chant ready, I had no idea what group chant we were going to use. Luckily we had Kalim the singing master he thought of something from Wnnie the Pooh,

So when Mrs Nua told us to say our chant, so then Kalim lead the chant and our group just went with the flow. I didn’t know the lyrics so every one just mumbled through out the chant.

For me being a Camp leader was not easy, I thought it was easy though but the thing I enjoyed the most was getting to know them and working with Tamati. On the concert night our group came 2ND even though we weren’t prepared


After camp

Camp was an amazing experience and I enjoyed ever single minute of it.
It was good to know every one in my group
we did a lot of activities, some we haven't done before and it was good to have Mr Barks as our camp teacher.

The camp concert day had arrived. We kind of changed some stuff and we weren’t organised. But the girls were fine because their were only 4 of us. The songs that we choose were “Forget you and Maori boy. Even though we weren’t organised we came 2ND. When Mr Jacobsen ( one of our judges) said we came 2ND I was speechless I turned around to see how my group will react. People jumping around and I saw a lot of Shocked faces. We were all Shock

I would like to Thank everyone who made this possible and to everyone who stayed up when we were still sleeping. I would like to thank Ms Hopa and her crew for cooking the best camp food ever and I would like to thank people who helped do the Hangi. It was DELICIOUS!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 1 at Camp Taking Charge

It's been a heck of a day ! We've done a lot of stuff today. My favourite highlight was Team Building and Kayaking. Team Building was really! We had to do diffculit tasks like signing your name on Sticky Tape but having it attached to a long pole. We had a lot of strategies that our group (Thinkerz) came up with. A lot of us had a plan to stand on each others shoulders and hold on to the pole and write their name.

I thought it was easy being the tallest girl, but even I couldn't reach the Sticky Tape. Poor Jordan, Kalim and Tamati had to left me up. I could hear them saying, "come on you're so heavy" I wrote my name quickly and jumped back down. I so felt sorry for them though.

We have just finish filming our MTV Video. And the song that our group choose was ' Love me always' By Tuita Boiz.

I can't wait until tomorrow because there are a lot more activity's to do.