Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 1 at Camp Taking Charge

It's been a heck of a day ! We've done a lot of stuff today. My favourite highlight was Team Building and Kayaking. Team Building was really! We had to do diffculit tasks like signing your name on Sticky Tape but having it attached to a long pole. We had a lot of strategies that our group (Thinkerz) came up with. A lot of us had a plan to stand on each others shoulders and hold on to the pole and write their name.

I thought it was easy being the tallest girl, but even I couldn't reach the Sticky Tape. Poor Jordan, Kalim and Tamati had to left me up. I could hear them saying, "come on you're so heavy" I wrote my name quickly and jumped back down. I so felt sorry for them though.

We have just finish filming our MTV Video. And the song that our group choose was ' Love me always' By Tuita Boiz.

I can't wait until tomorrow because there are a lot more activity's to do.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Racheal, what a great time you sound like you are having. I saw you all outside at lunch time putting the finishing touches on your tents. Enjoy tonights activities and make sure you get some sleep as it is going to be a long day tomorrow :-)

    Miss Gleeson
