Last Friday a sad thing happened in GreyMouth. 29 Miners were trapped under Ground. It has been a sad week for the families of those who had lost their loved ones. I watched the news to see if there had been any updates on the GreyMouth miners.
It was sad to see the CEO on the news telling the bad new to the families of the 29 miners that they couldn't go down to rescue their bodies immediately due to the heavy gas levels in the mine. Otherwise, if they go, they might have caused another explosion.
There have been 4 explosions so far, The Prime Minister is taking it very seriously. It is now being called one of Grey mouths darkest days
The sad thing was that the youngest miner was only 17 years old and it was his first day on the job when the disaster occurred. He was'nt suppose to work on that day, but he asked his boss.
It was good to see the Queen and Australia and other countries showing their condolences. Again, I feel really sorry for the families of the 29 miners.
I would like to thank this website http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10689557 for the photo-which is a photo of one of the robots that was helping with the situation. I'd also like to Thank Sela for editing this piece of writing.http://pesselap.blogspot.com/